Aščinica "Sofra" |
Today we'll talk about another aščinica in the middle of Baščaršija. The aščinica's name is Sofra. Sofra, by the way, is a round copper board around 70 cm in diameter, which has a function like a table. Here you can eat all kind of traditional Bosnian food, grilled food, desserts and more. Sofra is special because of it's interior design. It's traditional design, where one part of the aščinica is specialy designed, like in old ottoman times, where you can sit on a "minder" (like low based couch) and eat from copper Sofra's for full traditional feeling. The menu can be found on the web site.
Aščinica "Sofra" |
I would recommend this aščinica for tourists because of it's unique design, good food and service, and of course location because it's in the middle of Baščaršija. Visit, eat, and look around Baščaršija. It's as good as it gets.
Aščinica "Sofra" |
Aščinica "Sofra" | | |
Content and services:
Aščinica -Cooked Bosnian Food, Traditional Bosnian Food
Traditional Bosnian food, Pie, Dessert
30 seats inside, 20 seats outside in summer
Non Alcoholic drinks
Baščaršija 31 (Right across Sebilj, in the center of Baščaršija)
Working time:
od 08:00h until 18:00 h
Contact phone:
+387 (0)33 447 815
+387 (0)61 559 170